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Sometimes, God wants us to change our minds

There’s a parable in the bible I recently rediscovered in Matthew 21:28-32. It


“A man had two sons. He went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work in the

vineyard today,’ and he answered ‘I will not, he answered, but later he changed his

mind and went. Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing. He

answered ‘I will sir,’ but he did not go. Which of the two did what his father wanted?

The first.”

In this case, it was a good thing the first son changed his mind and decided to

be obedient to his father. This parable may be more relatable than you think.

Although it is likely none of us are working on our father’s vineyard (as cool as that

sounds), many of us may find ourselves stuck in a mindset or routine that is not the

will of our Heavenly Father.

Take for example a situation we are all too familiar with at this point:

Coronavirus (covid, the ronas, quarantine, lockdown, social distancing, ZOOM

UNIVERSITY?!?!?). This pandemic has absolutely rocked our world and reshaped

our lives. During quarantine, I saw so many sisters learning new things, bonding with

family, and facetime friends. But there was also an undeniable feeling of fear, anxiety,

boredom, and even anger. We were left wondering why our trips were postponed,

plans canceled, and even why loved ones were getting sick. It didn’t seem fair, and

honestly, it still doesn’t. Starting university via zoom feels plain wrong. There is the

continual hope that maybe things will change, along with the dread that things are

getting worse- not to mention the fear of what's to come. While some sisters may

hop into a new routine without a glitch, myself and many others feel stuck in a rut,

lonely, and stressed. It's so easy to get caught up in the “what ifs.” What if the

pandemic didn’t happen? What if classes were in person, and rush wasn’t postponed,

and my plans weren’t rearranged... the list goes on and on.

God’s desire isn’t for us to stick to the set of plans we had pre-quarantine.

His will isn’t for us to dwell on what we could be doing if the chaos never occurred.

The Lord is presenting us with a challenge to grow, and an opportunity to shift our


I encourage you to spend time in prayer, and perhaps instead of ranting to

God and asking him to change the circumstance you are in (calling myself out here),

shift your perspective and ask God what he is trying to teach you in this season.

Pray for fresh eyes to see the things you were desensitized to before and new ears

to hear the instructions of our father.

1 Peter 5:10 reads: “And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all

grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm,

strengthen, and establish you.” The trial is temporary. It is molding your heart and

strengthening your faith. Cling to the promise that the God of Peace is with you and

that you will flourish amidst this uncertain season.

I will leave you with one of my favorite bible verses, Psalm 118:24, “The grass

withers, the flowers fade, but the word of God will stand forever.” It is difficult to

develop a fresh perspective when everything around us seems chaotic,

overwhelming, and inconsistent. But do you know what isn’t chaotic, overwhelming,

and inconsistent? The word of God and his promises to us. Rely on it as your guide,

and as the one unwavering thing during seasons of uncertainty. In turn, you will be

rooted in peace and assurance.

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